Jumat, 28 Mei 2010


dimana kita sekarang??

mengapa kita disini??

apa yang terjadi di masa depan??

mereka mengatakan "hidup ini terlalu pendek"

"disini dan sekarang"

dan, "kamu hanya diberi satu kesempatan"

tapi apa mungkin lebih dari itu??

apa aku pernah hidup sebelumnya??

atau memang hanya ini??

dulu aku takut akan kematian..

dulu aku pikir itu adalah akhir,..

tapi itu dulu...

sekarang aku tau jiwaku akan berpindah..

aku mungkin gak akan pernah menemukan segala jawabannya..

aku mungkin gak akan akan pernah paham mengapa ini terjadi....

aku juga gak akan bisa membuktikan segala yang aku tau benar...

seandainya aku mati besok, ya sudah..

karena aku percaya, setelah kita gak ada,,

jiwa kita akan tetap ada...

aman dalam cahaya yang mengelilingiku..

bebas dari rasa takut dan kepedihan..

pikiranku yang terus bertanya membantuku menemukan arti hidup ku lagi..

sekarang aku disini, semuanya telah jelas..

aku menemukan apa arti semua ini...

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


now we are at the finish line.. yes, we won the race, friends! we successfully beat all the enemies!

but, this is the end of junior highschool. now, the time do us part. and, now we must against more enemies. the struggle are not end, friends!

in this post, i need to say some thanks to:

1. God, you give me more than i need. thanks!

2. My beloved parents. you give me a lot of facilities, a lot of affection, and a lot of time. thanks!

3. FRIENDS. yep, they all the best! thanks ya! i never forgot you! i never forgot all the memories that we have been trip for three years. THANKS!!

4. teacher. without you, i may never successfully beat the exam. thanks!

5. my lovely buffalo. thanks for your affection, a lot of support. THANKSS!!!!

and many thanks that i cant describe that in a words :p

and the reader too :p thanks :p

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

when the levee breaks..

If it keeps on raining levee's going to break..
When the levee breaks have no place to stay..

Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan ..
Got what it takes to make a Mountain Man leave his home..

Oh, well..

Don't it make you feel bad?
When you're trying to find your way home you don't know which way to go?
when you're going down south and there's no work to do ,,

And you're going on to Chicago ...

Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good..

When the levee breaks, mama, you got to go

All last night sat on the levee and moaned ,,
Thinking about my baby and my happy home ....

Going to Chicago...

Sorry, but I can't take you .... i cant take you... my lovely khoci.. :)