Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

i see malicious smile..

this week is national exam week. that's why i never type here since last month (maybe). tomorrow, is the last day of national exam. yeah, it's science. "science" means physics and one annoying subject again, *****. so, wish me luck for tomorrow! :p

ah, long time i didn't update this blog. tonight i just type some of my mind's dust..

i have some quotes to think about. here it is.

1. "you cant hatch chicken from fried egg"

what it's mean? yeah, fried egg never give you a chicken. to get a chicken, you must have an "egg" not "fried egg"

2. "dont ever try to teach a pig to sing, it just waste your time. and it annoys the pig"

everyone knows, that teach a pig to sing is nearly impossible. and it's just waste your time. you never get the positive things from that. and it annoys the pig too.

hmm, yeah, that's all i want to type here. maybe tomorrow i can update this blog. thanks for reading this fuckin annoying post. wish me luck for national exam. thanks :)

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010


"You never be alone again, Cos this serenade I sing for you, Will be your guardian angel, Watching over your endless sleep"

yak. kali ini saya mau nulis pake bahasa indonesia. why? entah kenapa, pengen aja :p

lalu, apa yang mau saya tulis? tentang serenade kah?

serenade adalah suatu komposisi musik. tapi, saya ga akan membahas itu disini.

"These words and these melodies I write for you..."

kali ini saya mau menyuarakan opini saya. sumber ide topiknya adalah ketika saya lagi main2 ke blog (atau web??) nya yamiza, si pembuat soal di matibeku.com (beberapa)

yak, di postingannya, dia ngebahas tentang status FB. gak penting banget kayaknya yak? well, menurut saya sih ini penting.

disitu dia mengungkapkan kekesalannya kepada seseorang yang nulis di status FB yang isinya menghujat satu instansi, yang ternyata instansi itu adalah tempat dia menghabiskan beberapa umurnya.

pokoknya, ngehujat deh.

jadi, status nya gini:


yah, dari situ ketauan kalo orang yang nulis status itu pasti lagi kesel banget. and then, dia menumpahkan kekesalannya di status FB.

ya emang gapapa sih. tapi yang jadi pusat perhatian nya disini adalah caranya menulis dan pemilihan kata2nya yang, well, gak sopan.

1. caranya menulis. nah, ini yang bikin ga enak adalah: PENGGUNAAN CAPS LOCK. yak, caps lock memang kadang digunakan untuk penekanan. di beberapa situasi penggunaan caps lock memang menimbulkan efek penekanan, tapi, penggunaan caps lock di kasus ini dibarengi dengan penggunaan kata2 "kebun binatang". nah, itu dia yang bikin gak enak.

kenapa sih setiap marah harus pake caps lock? masih ada cara lain kok untuk menghujat tanpa caps lock.

2. pemilihan kata2nya. ini juga, penggunaan kata2 "kebun binatang" memang sudah menjadi sangat umum kalo lagi marah, kesel, bete. tapi, disini juga harus liat situasi dong. siapa yang kalian hadapi nantinya? kata2 ini membuat instansi itu jadi terhujat kan? nah, misalnya nanti dia ngeliat, gimana? masih banyak kok cara yang lebih halus untuk marah. gak mesti pake kata2 kebun binatang itu, ditambah dengan kotorannya. ;)

"I shall never forget the moment that "

dan, yang bikin efek menghujat itu adalah penggabungan keduanya. kalo pake caps lock, kata2 nya halus, gak bakal jadi keliatan menghujat. tapi kalo pake caps lock, kata2nya pake kamus kebun binatang, ya jadinya sperti itu.

lagian, internet ini gak sebebas yang kalian kira. banyak kasus orang dituntut hanya karena tulisan pendek mereka di internet. bahkan twitter yang harus nya menjadi tempat update status juga ternyata gak sebebas yang kalian kira.

jadi, hanya untuk pembelajaran saja sih, sekarang nulis di internet harus hati2. jangan seenak sendiri ;) sekian aja deh, ngantuk. ~

"Every now and then your smile Appears before me, Only then I realize it's all just a dream, Your ghost still linger upon us, As it watches over My every step.."

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

until i cant dreaming again..

morning, the sunshine was come, and the moon left the sky..

morning, the sunlight was come, and the darkness left the sky..

today i woke up, and look at the beautiful sky, and think, "how it can be so true? beautiful.."


hueh, that's just some annoying shit that i ever think..

get bored with this day..

ahh,, some trouble happened with my life..

hmm, this day is interesting.. full of laugh.. until something broke that.


and the hard rain is come..

and i walk over the road.. i walk through the rain.. i walk through this empty life..

i still walk 'til the rains die..


what a day??

huh, feel so lazy to walk out from this room.

and the clove not makes me better..


and i see the rainbow in that beautiful sky..

when i walk through that, i meet the kids is singing a song

they sing a sweet lullaby for me..

then i fall and sleep..


hmm,, feel so bored

not better enough..

now i do nothing.. just write down this fucking post..

hope this shit can go away from my mind..

hoh, enough. bye~


when i sleep i dreaming of you..

your face, your smile, your eyes..

'till i can't dream again.. never dreaming again..


thanks a lot for reading this fucking annoying post!

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

the phantom thief is back

welcome back. yeah, after long time since the last post that i wrote, now, i'm back.

hm, surely, i dont have any idea for what i want to type in this post. but i want to write something in this blog.

yeah, my activity make me cant update this blog.

so, what's the main idea of this annoying post?

i dont know. but i had to type about love.

yeah, love.

as we know, love is such a beautiful rainbow. the smell is same as the smell of the rain, the beauty is same as the beauty of the rose, that you cant understand it.

but, i want to type about love in my opinion.

so, get ready for the main idea of this fucking annoying post.

for me, love is such an abstract thing. love is something that can make you feel crazy, feel sick, something that can make you do some crazy thing.

like "queen" band says in their song, "crazy little thing called love".

love is such a "X" in mathemathics. love can means whatever.

love is, if you lose it, it make you feel guilty, feel lost, sad, alone.

but love can be beautiful. love can be as beautiful as a rainbow after hard rain.

love is like an illusion. not real. it's just a feel. but love make you do some "crazy thing" sometimes make you do a "good thing" but sometimes make you do a "real crazy thing" like a suicide, etc.

yeah, that's the main idea from this fucking annoying post.

that's what i want to type in this blog. ok, thanks a lot for your attention. if you feel annoyed, call me :p


"your name is locked deep in my heart, your soul is locked deep beneath my skin~"